Where are you located?

angelcake is based in Kelowna, BC. Although we don’t have a storefront, we deliver in the Kelowna area or can setup pickup in the Kelowna area.

do you deliver?

Yes, delivery is free in the Kelowna area with $28 minimum order. Otherwise, there’s a $10 delivery fee. This includes West Kelowna, East Kelowna, and Lake Country.

How do I order?

Currently, you can place an order by contacting us through the contact page, email, or social media message.

How do I pay?

All orders must be pre-paid before delivery. e-Transfer and credit card accepted. Currently, we are not accepting cash.

How big are your cookies?

Our cookies are 4.5oz or 127g in dough alone. Filled cookies get at least 0.5oz or 15g of filling.

Our cookie sammies have two cookies at 2oz or 57g each, 4oz or 114g total. Filling is around 1oz or 30g.

Do you have vegan/gluten free/dairy free Cookies?

Yes, cookies that fit certain dietary needs are marked on the flavours list.